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As a leading Learning and Development consultancy, Trainers without Borders recognises that how you deliver your training can be as important as the training itself. Creating a training environment and materials that are sympathetically tailored to the aims, preferences and constraints of the delegates can have an extremely positive impact on learning and retention. Where you have a number of people that require training or specific business/organisational issues that need to be addressed, Trainers without Borders can develop a training programme for use in-house.
Course Overview
In this course participants understand how to define ethics, and be able to explain why business ethics are so important in the present business world. Participants will learn to recognise unethical behaviour and how to avoid conflicts with ethics. Our workshop participants will learn how to make ethical decisions and lead with integrity. This unit standard is for people who work in a Public-Sector environment, specialising in Public Finance Management and Administration,
Course Outcomes
Learners credited with this unit standard are able to:
Explain the core ethical values and standards which apply to the public sector.
Outline ethical values and standards contained in legislation and codes, which have relevance to the conduct of employees in the public sector.
Describe areas of ethical conflict for public sector employees.
Explain the importance of ethical values and standards in relation to the public sector.
Discuss relevance of established professional ethics and codes of conduct in the public sector workplace. Discuss the relevance of established professional ethics and codes of conduct in public sector administration.
Learn the four core skills required for emotional intelligence
Understand associated verbal and nonverbal communication
Be able to explain the Social Management & Responsibility implications
Master tools to regulate and gain control of ones own emotions
Use the concepts and techniques in the workplace
Emotional Intelligence?
Defining Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Outlining the core EI competencies
The benefits of becoming more Emotionally Intelligent
Assessing your own EI
A framework to develop EI competencies
The Self-aware Employee
The importance of self-awareness for development
Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses
Understanding your emotional responses and their impact on others
Seeking on-going feedback to become more self-aware
Becoming Self-managed
The benefits of managing and controlling your emotions
Staying focused and calm under pressure
Self-motivation to achieve goals
The Socially-aware Leader
Understanding and empathising with others
Building rapport with a broad range of people
Managing and engaging emotions within your team
Leadership strategies for developing more Emotionally Intelligent teams
Stress Management
The causes of stress and its impact on the workforce
Dealing with stressors
Suggest techniques for dealing with negative self talk
Six techniques for handling stress
Explain the core ethical values and standards which apply to the public sector
Core public sector ethical values are identified and explained. Examples include but are not limited to
Demonstrate knowledge of at least four examples of the above
Ethical standards in the public sector are identified and explained with examples.
Public expectations,
Nature of democratic governance,
Need to encourage voluntary compliance,
Discretionary powers,
Accountability requirements.
Demonstrate knowledge of at least three examples of the above
Outline ethical values and standards contained in legislation and codes, which have relevance to the conduct of employees in the public sector
The values and standards contained in the Regulations applicable to the learner’s employer organisation are identified and explained. Implied and/or explicit.
Being imbued with the spirit of Botho Pele.
Maintaining appropriate standards of integrity and personal responsibility.
Concern for the public interest. Being efficient.
Respecting the law.
Demonstrate knowledge of at least three examples of the above.
The main principles contained in the Public Sector Code of Conduct are explained with examples.
Standards of professionalism and ethical principles are identified in line with Public Sector Code of Conduct.
Describe areas of ethical conflict for public sector employees
The areas of ethical conflict between personal and public interests are identified and explained with examples.
Acceptance of gifts,
private work/moonlighting.
Post employment obligations.
Disclosure of information.
Political activities.
Standing for public elections
Demonstrate knowledge of at least three examples of the above.
The possible areas of ethical conflict between duty to government of the day and duty to public interest are identified.
Non-partisan nature of the public sector.
Matters of conscience and duty.
Leaking information.
Whistle blowing.
identification and reporting on corruptible practices.
Demonstrate knowledge of at least two examples of the above.
Potential strategies for managing typical conflict are identified and explained.
Explain the importance of ethical values and standards in relation to the public sector
Two case studies that illustrate the importance of ethical values and standards within public sector administration are identified and an explanation given of the issues involved.
The importance of ethical values and standards within the organisation and role within that organisation are identified and explained with examples.
Ethical dilemmas are discussed in relation to the case studies identified.
Discuss relevance of established professional ethics and codes of conduct in the public sector workplace
Standards of ethical conduct for practitioners of public financial management are explained.
Requirements of the disciplinary and grievance code are understood and applied in the workplace.
Discuss the relevance of established professional ethics and codes of conduct in public sector administration
Codes of conduct of the public service finance and administration, of the profession and those required in terms of the legislation are explained and understood.
Professional codes of conduct are identified and explained in line with the legislation.
Measures to monitor and evaluate the application of codes of conduct and professional ethics within public sector administration are identified and explained.
Reporting procedures relating to the implementation of codes of conduct and standards of professionalism in relation to public finance management and administration are explained and applied